Monday, February 2, 2015

Video Game Night

In my calling as Teacher's Quorum Adviser, I'm expected to oversee one camp out a month.  One exception is the one for January, which happened this last Friday.  As you can guess from this post's title, we got together to play video games.

Three boys each brought a gaming system with a few different games (nothing above a T rating) and hooked them up to TVs from the church library.  Once everything was ready to go, there were plenty of options to choose from and people were constantly changing from one station to another, ensuring plenty of vareity.

I was even asked to play on a few games.  Since most of my experience is with an original Nintendo, N-64, or Wii, I was terrible at the first-person shooter that required using one joystick to move and another to aim.  I failed miserably over several rounds before I excused myself.  I was later invited to join in on Mario Kart for the Wii U, which I did much better on.  It was nice to be included and I could tell that this was an important way to connect to some of the young men that I'm in charge of supervising.

I was a bit frustrated that one boy only ever played on his Gameboy.  He was constantly talking to a few other boys about the progress he was making in the game he was playing, but he wasn't playing any multiplayer games, which was the whole point of the activity.

While this was an odd camp out, I'm glad that I got to start with an easy one, especially since there's still snow on the ground (I'm not looking forward to February).

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