Friday, February 6, 2015

Side Effects

Due to a mix-up at work, I didn't sign up for my benefits when I was supposed to.  Luckily, I have a very patient HR director that was willing to help get everything worked out.

I bring this up because I only got my prescription card this week.  Since I had to wait for my card, I wasn't up-to-date on my anti-seizure medication.  I hadn't been on it since a little before Christmas, but as long as I monitored my blood-sugar level, I was fine.

At least I was until last week.  While at the gym on Saturday, I had a minor aphasia.  I was on the treadmill at the time and it wasn't severe enough to make me get off, but I did have to slow down.  I figured it was just my blood-sugar being low from the exertion.  Then I had another one at my desk on Monday.  It was still a little one, but it started making me nervous.

I'd had had two more tiny ones on Tuesday by the time I made it home to find my prescription card in the mailbox.  I immediately went to the pharmacy to get my medication.  I haven't had another aphasia since I got my prescription.

What I have had, however, is noticeable fatigue.  One of the side effect I experience during the first week or two of getting back on my meds is feeling tired.  It's not exactly drowsiness or sleepiness (though it is much harder getting up in the morning), it's just generally feeling run down.  The last time I went through this when I first got on my meds a little over a year ago, I got over it in a couple of weeks, so I'm expecting the same thing to happen this time.

It's annoying, but at least it's temporary.

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