Monday, February 16, 2015

Divorce [UPDATE]

Because Allison and I have only just started the process of getting divorced, I will hold off on posting this week's essays until everything has been finalized.  I doubt any of my words could be used against me, but it's better to play it safe.

All of my regular readers should now know that Allison and I have decided to get divorced.  It wasn't easy for me to accept, but I know it needs to happen.

Allison and I have been together for about nine-and-a-half years with four years of dating, two-and-a-half years of marriage, and three years of separation. That means that I've spent nearly a third of my life with her attached to me in some way, though the last third of that time was spent with us separated.

One thing that I want to make clear is that I do not regret my relationship with Allison.  Things weren't always easy with her, but they never are in love.  I'm sad that things couldn't work out, but I do not feel that my time with her was wasted.

Since we only just decided to get divorced last week, we haven't moved forward to file yet, though that will happen very soon.  I will do my best to make the split as amicable and pain-free as possible -- there will probably be posts with updates of our progress.

So, the rest of this week will be dedicated to some essays regarding my marriage and divorce.  And since I missed two days last week since I was reeling from the decision, I'll be posting all five weekdays.  They will mostly be contemplative, but I'm sure some emotion will find its way in.