Monday, May 5, 2014

Won't Somebody Think of the Children?

I think I'm supposed to learn to interact with kids better, because it keeps coming up lately.

Last Sunday, it was announced in Elder's Quorum that every member of the Relief Society would be meeting together for the third hour, so that meant that the men would need to cover the final hour of primary.  I would have happily volunteered, but I transcribe for a deaf brother in the Quorum (using a laptop), so I needed to stay.  However, I noticed that he and his wife were absent in Sunday School, so I told the Elder's Quorum President that I was available if someone hadn't shown up.  And, of course, someone hadn't.

Due to the way the Church runs things, two men were needed for each class: one teacher and one "enforcer."  I said that I would prefer being the enforcer, but I could teach if I had to.  Well, my partner ended up being Samuel (purely by chance), so I took the lead.  I didn't have a chance to look at the manual before sitting down with everyone, but I did my best.

Thankfully, the class was populated with 5 and 6-year-olds, so the kids weren't too young.  The lesson was on following after the Savior, so I gave everyone a chance to do a motion that everyone needed to follow (though one shy boy just stood there - I just instructed everyone to stand up straight and be still).  I also asked in several different ways how we can follow Christ; the most popular answers were "Choose the right" and "Don't kill people" (if the naivete of children wasn't so cute, it would be terrifying).  We made a trip to the bathroom at the half-way point and I was very glad that every kid that needed to go proudly announced that they could go by themselves.

The experience was fun, but it was mostly a game of "kill time while being as close to on-topic as possible."  Samuel did well with getting a couple of boys to stay in their seats and the kids were pretty enthusiastic and seemed to enjoy the time.  I am happy that I got a chance to interact with some children that I have no real connection to, but I'm also happy that I get to regularly spend time with the grown-ups.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

It sounds like we taught the same lesson. We also started out by playing Follow the Leader. I have the class just older than the one you described. Sunday is never dull.