Friday, May 16, 2014


On Tuesday morning, while I was saying my morning prayers, I felt prompted to ask to be guided to opportunities wherein I could be more fully invested in the gospel.  I wasn't sure what that meant, but I asked anyway.  I went to work and mostly forgot about the prayer.

That evening, near the end of my workout, I got a call from the full-time missionaries in the ward.  They were looking for someone to teach a lesson with them.  I immediately remembered the prayer from that morning and was ready to accept, but there wasn't time for me to get cleaned up for the appointment.  I told them as much, but they said they could push the time back thirty minutes.  I told them I would hurry and got the address from them.

We met with a single man about my age named Jason, who had been at church for the first time on Sunday.  Our lesson was about introducing the Book of Mormon to him, a subject I am very comfortable with.  Perhaps a bit too comfortable as I ended up talking more than the Elders, though they promised me afterwards that they prefer it that way.  Jason's attention was captured by the testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses and was ready to proclaim the book as truth, but I cautioned him to take time and build on that until he had his own testimony, too.  That seemed to surprise him, that we weren't content with him accepting the gospel on the words of another.  He promised to do some reading and we left with a prayer.

While I certainly accept that this teaching opportunity was an answer to my prayer, I think it makes more sense to approach it from the other end.  The Lord knew that I should go out with the Elders that night, so He inspired me to pray for such a chance; that way when I got the call, I was ready to accept the invitation rather than simply say I was too sweaty to go.  It was great to go teaching with the missionaries again I hope that my words had an impact on Jason.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

Thanks for sharing your testimony with Jason and yor experience with us.