Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Shoo Flies UPDATED

When I woke up yesterday, I got up and started to put together my breakfast.  As I was moving about in the kitchen, I noticed several houseflies zooming about.  My usual reaction to houseflies is to ignore them since they're hard kill and their adult lifespan is so short.  However, I could see that there were about five or six flies moving through the air, so I grabbed my sandals and started working to smash them. I counted how many I was eliminating, but lost count after I hit eleven.  It seemed like every time I turned around, more flies were appearing.  I decided to finish making and eating breakfast, then I would turn my complete attention to killing the flies.

Having consumed my meal, walked back into the living room and saw that the lamp next to my bed (since I sleep on sofa-bed) was covered in at least another two dozen flies.  Did your skin just crawl reading that?  I almost lost my breakfast when I saw the state of things.  I decided to grab the vacuum and suck them up.  It a took a while, but finally sucked them all up.  I then went back to clean the dishes from breakfast and found two more flies.  I killed them, but in the process found another three, which I also killed.  As things stand, I know of at least one fly that's still alive, because I can hear it buzzing, and I suspect that there's at least a few more on top of that.

Flies are super-gross on their own, but they also attract spiders and other predators that I really, really don't want in my home.  I keep my apartment clean and rarely open the windows, so this was really surprising.  I plan on talking to my landlord tomorrow about this because having over three dozen flies in my apartment is absolutely unacceptable.

It turns out, one of my windows was installed incorrectly.  One of the maintenance guys came down and took a look at everything and fixed the problem.  He said that with our severe weather fluctuations lately, the flies were seeking warmth and since I had a window that wasn't installed correctly, they were able to squeeze in.  Since I don't have anything decomposing for them to eat, they were hanging out at the nearest light source.

I am happy to say that with the window fixed and using both a flyswatter and the vacuum, I am currently fly-free.  All told, I killed about six or seven dozen flies.  Although, there is a particularly acidic smell in the air, so I'm guessing that there's a lot of fly feces in my apartment now.  Good thing I was planning on giving the place a deep cleaning anyway.

And since the question was asked, these were not small fruit flies, but their larger classmates, houseflies.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

How odd! Maybe they come in through a vent. Were they regular house flies, or the smaller fruit fly?