Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New Job

I've been putting it off, but I guess it's time to tell you about my new job.

I have never worked for a company larger than Prometric.  The company has about a dozen offices and over 10,000 testing centers worldwide (though, each testing center works more like a franchise).  The employees number in the thousands.  Whoa.

The job itself is pretty straightforward. I have copy-edited, proof-read (think copy-editing, but more in-depth), and reformatted a few documents since I started.  That is pretty much what I signed up for since I'm a "Junior" technical writer, so I'm happy that the job lives up to the title.  If I have any complaints, it's that there hasn't been that much work for me so far.  I hate looking for stuff to work on; I'd much rather know where to go to get more to do.  I'm still only in my second week, so a slow start is understandable.

The best part of the job is the my new boss, Brooke, communicates to me in a way that I easily understand.  My last boss, Laura, basically spoke to me in a different language: I spoke English and she spoke Engineering (which I was still learning).  As things stand right now, I have understood all of my assignments well and I've received positive feedback about what I've produced.  I don't think I would have noticed or appreciated the good-communication part of the job if the last job I had hadn't failed so hard in that area.  I notice; I appreciate.

As a nice bonus, all of the people are in my department are very friendly and seem like they genuinely like each other.

I know it's really too soon to say, but I really like this job.

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