Monday, October 7, 2013

General Conference, October 2013

I recently gave a lesson in Sunday School on the Martin and Willie handcart companies from church history.  The big take away for me was that we must always work hard to help our fellowman, not just spiritually, but physically as well.  That's why the Savior emphasized helping the needy: it's what all good Christians do.

I related this experience because this was where my mind was while watching General Conference.  The major theme to me was helping our fellowman, whether through missionary work, visiting and home teaching, or empathizing with those who are going through bouts of depression.  It came up over and over again, although it shouldn't be surprising because it's such a basic theme in the gospel.

Additionally, one talk that stood out to me was Elder Bednar's talk on tithing.  He specifically talked about how people who are unemployed and looking for work need to pay tithing.  He might as well have been talking to me.  I just got my second-to-last paycheck this week, but with Conference, I didn't pay tithing yet.  Well, I'm not going to wait until Sunday: I'm going to mail it off tomorrow to fulfill my duty and reap the blessings.  I think when an apostle gives a talk that directly applies to your life in a very specific way, you better take heed.

What stood out to you?

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

Thanks for sharing your insights. I have been preparing a lesson this last week on prophets and their roles in our lives. I heard many of the same scriptures that I studied this week quoted in Conference. I suspect that I too was predisposed to hear what I had been focussing on.