Monday, October 14, 2013

Answering the Call

Yesterday at Church, a calling was extended to me.  I had let the Bishop know quite some time ago that I was ready for a calling and that I thought the added responsibility would be good for me in getting to know more people in the ward, and he had promised me that he and his counselors had something in mind for me but it was taking time to get everything line up, so it was nice to finally get a calling.

I am the new Gospel Doctrine teacher, A through M (there are two GD classes, separated by last name; I get the first half).  I have subbed twice already and gotten some positive feedback, so getting this calling isn't out of nowhere, but I still was surprised.

For this class, while I'll of course teach from the manual, I plan on focusing on the scriptures as a way to spark participation.  Of the two classes I've taught so far, the second one went better and I used the scriptures to get comments out of the class members, so I plan on using that as the model.

One weird thing for me is that I have the most experience teaching Sunday School to tweens, so I've been the oldest one in the classroom.  Now, I have a mix of people who are younger than to me to people old enough to be my grandparents.  It's a bit intimidating, but I'm sure that as long as I stay humble and focus on the material, I'll get out of this calling what I'm supposed to.

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