Friday, October 4, 2013

Making New Friends

This week has seen several people in the ward pouring out hospitality in my direction.

On Monday, I was invited to dinner and Family Home Evening to a member of the Elder's Quorum presidency.  As a friendly gesture, I brought a couple dozen cookies over.  It was nice to interact with people under such casual circumstances.

On Wednesday, my home teacher came over.  He checked on my job search and said he would help out where he could, and ended the visit by inviting me over to his home for dinner next week.

Finally, the Elder's Quorum President called me and asked for my help with some yard work on Saturday before the first session of conference.  I agreed and he said that that time would give him a chance to get to know me better and that he would do what he could to help me with my employment situation.

I really appreciate the hands of friendship that are being extended right now: I could certainly use them.

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