Friday, August 23, 2013

The Need for Balance

Since I was recovering from my most recent severe allergic reaction on Tuesday and did not go in to work, I had some catching up do to when I got back on Wednesday.  This was to be expected and I readily made the decision to work through lunch in order to make a deadline.  However, that meant that I missed R-JAM.  I didn't think anything of it, but as the day got longer and I ended up staying two hours passed the time that I normally leave (bringing the full work day to eleven hours), I realized that having that time set aside for recreation is an important stress-reliever.  By the time I finally left, I was having to hold back to refrain from running to my car.

I schedule my day full of things that I need: I wake up early so that I can have some time with the scriptures before a light breakfast and rigorous exercise; after doing my daily grooming routine and dressing, it's off to work where I diligently work; once that's completed, I have a second round of exercise (either running or more body-weight exercises) before dinner and some goofing off before bed.  That last bit, the "goofing off" is still an important part of my day.  Sure, watching TV or playing a game on my tablet or reading a book may seem like a waste of time, but if I don't get time to relax, I go a little nuts (but getting too much in is bad, too).

By missing my lunch break on Wednesday, I took away an important part of reducing my stress.  True, I've worked through lunch before and probably will again, but when combined with staying late, it was simply too much.  I see it as further incentive to work hard during the appropriate times so that I feel justified taking a break to play a silly game with my coworkers.

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