Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Music (Lint of Love)

It wasn't long ago that I took you on journey of the development of my musical tastes.  In the case of every song that I posted, I genuinely liked the music (or, in the case of Disturbed, used to like it).  Today's topic is different.  Don't get me wrong, I like this song, but I like ironically.

This is a wonderfully terrible song by the band Cibo Matto, a duo made up of two Japanese girls.  This song, "The Lint of Love" (I just love how awful that metaphor is) is from the band's second, Stereo * Type AAs you may guess from the weird album title or super cheesy rap break, this band is from the nineties.  We, as a culture, made bad decisions every decade (disco, anyone?), but this is from my decade.  I don't want to give the impression that I don't like their music, because I really do enjoy this band, but in a different way than I do most music.

Cibo Matto has other songs, and while some of them are still super weird, others are genuinely good.  (A band that has weird songs that I like anyway?  Why does that seem familiar?)  Consider this a bit of guilty pleasure for me.  When I think of a band that can represent all of the bad things about music in the nineties and (this is important) was still a good band, I think of Cibo Matto.  So, here's to you Cibo Matto and all of wonderful weirdness.

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