Friday, August 2, 2013

Delayed Reaction

As you may recall, the allergist I saw told be to take Zyrtec daily to control my allergy symptoms for the time being.  That was pretty terrible since it made me so drowsy that I was barely fulfilling my responsibilities at work.  So I called him and said that I needed an alternative.  He told me to come and pick up a sample of a nasal spray that I could try out that wouldn't make me drowsy.  So I went and picked it.

While I was there, I pointed out to the doctor that one of the places that I was injected with allergen hadn't gone down all the way yet.  Because the nurses in his office are very good about placing each allergen in a particular spot, he was able to identify what caused the reaction simply by looking at where it was located on my arm.

I had a delayed reaction to cockroach.  I asked if it was a particular part of the cockroach, like it's skin, or if I was allergic to its feces.  I'm allergic to all things cockroach: skin, scales, feces, eggs, etc.  And, the doctor pointed out, I don't have even touch them to react.  I could be inhaling various bits of cockroach, along with dust mites and mold.  Gross.

I guess I'm lucky that things that I reacted to the most strongly are nasty and I don't want to be around anyway.  I would be terrible to be allergic to sunshine or Allison.

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