Monday, August 19, 2013


Last Friday was day of milestones for me.  I accomplished three things that I am rather proud of, so I'm going to show off a little.

The first thing is a fitness goal that I achieved.  As a way to help keep me in shape and to just keep me healthy, I do pushups in the mornings, two to three times a week.  I started back when I was still staying with the Larsens, but six weeks ago I started using an app for my Kindle that helps track my progress.  This is important since it helps to know how many I did last time and try to beat it the next time.  The app gives different choices for time periods to do each variation (standard, feet elevated, hand close together, hands elevated, etc.) and I've been doing each set for 45 seconds.  I started out doing 22 standard pushups and this last Friday, after doing pushups for six weeks, I was able to 45; better than double.  I still hope to continue to make progress, but being able to do a pushup a second is a nice accomplishment.

Last Friday was also the first time that I worked at the restaurant following a full day at the office.  Holy crap, I was tired.  I did my best to keep moving and to constantly try to learn more and more about the menu (it's really long), but I was out of energy.  It was the first time that I had to question whether I could actually work two jobs.  I'm not willing to say yea or nay on it yet, but I will have to be aware that sitting at a computer and using my brain to a high degree is exhausting on its own.  Add a physically demanding job right after and it doesn't make for an easy day.

Finally, the big one.  I've been working at RJM since the middle of May, or about three months.  During that time, I have tried very hard to learn the ins-and-outs of what I'm responsible for.  I've done okay, but I've made mistakes and forgotten things along the way, which is fine, but annoying.  Anyway, for every writing assignment, even with all of the practice that I've had, a lot of times I still feel like I don't know what I'm doing and it's really stressful to turn in an assignment to my supervisor for approval.  This last Friday, my boss actually seemed to be impressed with what I wrote.  Even if she was only impressed that I turned in good work when compared to my earlier attempts, that's fine.  I submitted a document for her approval and received it.  I'll count that as a win!

Friday was a day full of achievements for me, but I hope to only continue improve upon what I've done and to do even better.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

Congratulations on all three accounts, especially the last.