Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Quit Wasting My Time

So, I had a job interview yesterday.  Kind of.  Not really.

Let me explain.  I got a call Monday evening from an employee at a nearby insurance agency.  I've been contacted through email by several insurance agencies for sales positions, but I've just ignored them because I am uniquely terrible at sales (I've had two sales positions in the whole of my life and both of them ended with me being fired due to a lack of sales) and I don't want to waste my time.  However, there were two positions available: Account Executive and Manager.  Well that sounds alright, so I agreed to meet for the interview, especially since the employee told me that she liked my resume that she saw on one of the various job sites that I have a profile on.

The interview was mis-titled since it was a presentation to me and six other individuals about how great it would be to be salespersons for this company.  [Sigh ... ]  I knew within two minutes of the presentation that I wasn't going to take any job they had ("Account Executive" is just a salesperson and managers are also required to sell in addition to managing salespeople), but I didn't want to be rude and just walk out so I waited for a break in the presentation which never came.  At the end, the person presenting (a different person than the one who called me) asked us all to pass our resumes forward and thanked us for our time.  I (very obviously, since I was sitting up front) didn't pass any resume forward and left, annoyed that I had just wasted so much time (it was about a forty minute drive each way).

I should say that I had a feeling that there was a very good chance that this would be a sales position, but I went anyway with the hope that it wasn't.  When I left, I was more than annoyed, I was crestfallen.  I've been applying for jobs like crazy and I finally got an interview.  I was hoping for catharsis and when I didn't get it, I was more than a little disappointed.

However, (to end on brighter note) after speaking to the Ward Employment Specialist on Sunday, I learned of a meeting on Tuesday that will be great for networking and getting contacts.  Here's hoping that leads to something.


Marc R. said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

all i have to say is "happy valentines day!" isnt that what people say to make other people feel better? oh, no that definitely just makes things worse.(hope u get the reference)