Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Weather Never, Ever Does a Thing for Me

I made a mistake when I tried to post this, and it didn't post at the time I intended.  I apologize for its' lateness.
When I first started going on my runs here, I had to wear long pants, a hoodie, gloves, and a hat.  It was cold and I had to adjust to it.

Yesterday when I ran, it was in high 70s.  I actually got dehydrated (not terribly so, but enough that I was significantly slower than I should have been).  It was less-than-fun.

However, that run was the only time I left the house.  I may not be an outdoorsy-type, but I also recognize that staying inside all day will make a person crazy (or in some cases, crazier).

On the bright side, my feet have been cold since I got here, so it's nice to know that that won't be an issue for a while.

(10 points if your recognized where today's title came from.)

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