Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Take What You Can Get

I have a job.

Not the one I wrote about earlier, but a different one working for the Maryland Department of Information Technology.  Also, it's temporary, so I may still work for RJM after all.  But since the folks at RJM have to think it over, it makes sense to take a temp job in the interim.

While I'm excited to be working again, my manager is super weird and he spent two hours explaining what my job was and he did it in such a way that I didn't really know what he wanted me to do.  After fiddling with the files I was assigned, I knew enough about it to go back and ask questions.  He didn't really do any better the second time at telling me what to do, but this time I had figured out enough on my own that I actually understood what he was saying.  Still, his second explanation took more than an hour.  That's nearly half the day wasted by my boss.  To be fair, as weird as he is, I've had worse supervisors.

Even with the annoyances that come with it - and the fact that I've been assigned a super boring project (and that's saying something coming from a technical writer) - I'm still super happy to be working.  It can definitely bring a guy down when he has to spend all his time applying to jobs, so even after one day, I feel much, much better.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

Hooray! More experience for the resume. Go get 'em!