Friday, April 26, 2013

Job Update

Remember RJM Engineer?  I wrote back an email this week to check in and see how the decision-making process was going.  The response that I got back was less-than-encouraging:

Thanks for your email.  In our more recent discussions on this position, it was agreed that a mid-level candidate with some direct experience would be the best option if we can find that type of person.  If not, we would follow-up with an entry-level candidate such as yourself.  I think that process will take a few more weeks.
Having read her reply to my email, I was understandably crestfallen.  However, I saw chance to still get hired, albeit a small one.  After telling me that they want someone with more experience, she asked me why I would be a good fit.  Since I am a trained technical writer, I would be a fool not try to argue my qualifications.

So I replied back with as professional a letter as I've ever written, arguing three skills that I would offer the company (I learn new things quickly, I'm good at organizing information, and I approach problems logically and analytically), backing up each point with actual experience from work or my internship.  I hoped to at least be the top candidate if a more experienced applicant could not be found.

Her reply was surprising:
Thanks for your email.  You must be a good writer because you convinced us that hiring you would be a good idea!  Therefore, I’d like to offer you the position of Technical Proposal Writer.
An actual job offer!  Holy crap!  She goes on to mention my salary and benefits package, as well as a start date of May 13th (which means that I wouldn't even need to give notice at my temp job).  After reading that, my jaw dropped open and I couldn't close it for what seemed like several minutes.

Now, while I am super-excited, I haven't gotten confirmation from the Holy Ghost yet that I should accept.  I am probably 98.7% sure that I'll take it, but I'm trying to wait patiently.  I replied back that I would have my answer by this afternoon (I was prompted by the Spirit to set that deadline), so I guess I'll know some time before then.

Even if I don't take this job (which I'll be surprised if I don't), I want to thank everyone that offered prayers on my behalf.  Also, Ian and Amanda for inviting me into their home to allow me even look for work in this area in the first place.  And, of course, our Heavenly Father who blessed me with the revelation to move here.  It took a lot of faith to move here and now, after a little over a month later, I have my first job offer in my professional field.  Wow.

I'll let you know what I decided by Monday, but don't be surprised if I accept.


Crystal said...

I'm surprised you haven't accepted already. You don't want them to reconsider their offer.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I'm sure Heavenly Father wants only the best for you, and this is the best offer you have had. I hope it works out for you.