Friday, July 24, 2015

I May Have Spoke Too Soon

Remember how Wednesday's post was about how I'm finally sleeping well again after three years of being separated?  That's not untrue, but it may not be the way things truly are, either.

Because the anti-epilepsy medication I take is generic, the manufacturer can change but I'm still getting the same main chemical that keeps my brain from seizing.  I guess that happened because when I refilled the prescription last week, instead of the dark pink pills that I usually get, I was issued light yellow ones.  This is important because whenever I've been off my meds for any length of time in the past (always due to a lack of employment/medical insurance), I experience some side effect during the first week of getting back on them.  The main side effect is "drowsiness" according to the label, but feels more like "extreme fatigue."  I wrote Wednesday's post on Tuesday evening when the side effect hadn't really kicked in yet.  On Wednesday, the fatigue was so bad that I had trouble staying awake at work, despite a full night's sleep.  Yesterday wasn't so bad, so I think it's tapering off.

I bring all of this up because I may have jumped the gun in declaring my insomnia gone.  I certainly think that using delta wave music helps and I plan on continuing with that.  But when I come home feeling completely exhausted and am in bed by nine o'clock, that's not me feeling rested.  Add to that the fact that I experienced aphasia multiple times due to my exhaustion and I knew something wasn't right.

If my assumptions are correct, I should be back to normal by early next week.  With any luck, that will include going to sleep easily, but not being exhausted.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

See a doctor. This is important.