Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekend Woes

I was planning on posting my thoughts General Conference, as I did last Conference, but my body had other plans.  Spent most of Saturday and Sunday unconscious and fighting what felt like a low-grade fever.  While I did recover enough on Sunday night to listen to the first session, I would like to get through the other four sessions before I comment on the Conference.

What happened to me that caused the fever?  Stress.  I was expecting one more unemployment payment that never came - a miscalculation on my part - which made my first paycheck from CAS, while still wonderful and needed, not as helpful as I had hoped.  This, along with a looming deadline, combined to kick the crap out of me.

I am feeling much better and I plan on finishing Conference in the next few days, but this was a firm reminder that just because I'm employed, it doesn't mean that my worries are over.  That being said, I would rather deal with the stress of too much going on than not enough.

1 comment:

Grandma Bonnie said...

Sorry to hear your not feeling well. I look forward to your blog especially about your day by day activities. I love you. You are very special to this grandma.