Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Nose, Meet Grindstone

Since my breakdown on Sunday, I've made a concerted effort to reduce the amount of stress that I face during the week.  Since I can't reduce my responsibilities at work, I've decided to spend more time with them as a way to combat them.

The office I work at is very relaxed.  As I've mentioned before, I can work a six hour day with no problem as long as my work is done.  However, since I misunderstood the document I was working on and had to practically start over, that meant that more time needs to be spent with it to make up for the lost time.  To do this, I've been the first person to arrive in the morning and the last person to leave in the evening.  We all have keys, but we leave the office unlocked during the common hours.  First one in unlocks the door and the last one out locks up.  That's been me so far this week.

Have my efforts been rewarded?  Kind of.  I still haven't completed the first document and my deadline was last Friday, but I am making headway.  Hopefully, I'll be on to my next assignment by the last post of this week.  Even if it means that I practically live at work.

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