Monday, February 24, 2014

Shorties 5

Nailed It!
I had a phone interview on Friday.  I had to move my lunch back at my temp job to accommodate the interview, but everything worked out.  The job is for a technical writing job with a local tech firm and it looks like I would be a good fit for me.  While all of that is nice, what is really exciting is that this was pretty much the opposite of the interview with PayPal.  I remember when I hung up the phone after the interview had concluded, I actually thought to myself, "Nailed it!"  I should hear back next week if they want to move forward with an in-person interview; even if they don't, I feel like I've already had success with this one.

T-Minus 5 Days
On Saturday, I had Samuel come by my apartment complex's leasing office to fill out some preliminary paperwork so that he can move in.  The lease won't change, but the office needs to have information on all tenants for liability purposes.  While he was here, Samuel mentioned his concern that he would stink up the apartment with his traditional Nigerian cooking.  I assured him that it was no problem, but he still seemed nervous.

One thing that I anticipate that is making Samuel nervous is that he is still learning the culture of the US and Maryland and since I will be his first native-born American roommate, he's trying to be careful to not offend.  I'm sure that we'll have some disagreements and that there will be an adjustment period, but I'm pretty confident that we'll be able to work past them.  Regardless of how easy the transition will be, I'll have a new roommate by this Saturday.

Yesterday, as I was preparing to leave to pick up Samuel to take him to church, I recognized I was having an allergic reaction.  Now, this reaction was the most mild that I think I've had, but I was still concerned that if I didn't catch it right away, I would end up in the ER again.  So I took some Benedryl and started making some calls.  I called the Sunday School President and asked him to find a replacement for me (we had about 50 minutes before church started, so at least he had some warning this time).  Then I frantically called the a few members in the Elder's Quorum Presidency and asked if they knew of anyone that could pick up Samuel.  They said they would try their best.  I kept Samuel appraised of what was happening, but I knew my time being awake was limited.  Just as I was about to pass out, I looked at the time and saw that church had just started.

I woke up - about an hour after church had gotten out - to the sound of my phone ringing.  It was the Elder's Quorum Presidency's second counselor (and my home teacher) who was checking on me.  I told him that I was fine, just groggy.  He told me that there wasn't time to find Samuel a ride.  I said that it was fine since Samuel lives about 25 minutes from the meeting house and when I had first made the call, there was barely enough time for someone to pick him up and make it back in time.  When we finished our conversation, I texted Samuel and apologized again and explained why he didn't get picked up.  He accepted the explanation and said that it would work out better next week.  Since we'll be roommates next week, I heartily agreed.

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