Monday, February 3, 2014

Shorties 4

Finding Happiness through Trials
Since I teach Sunday School and get the chance to bare my testimony every week, I'm often reluctant to get up during Fast and Testimony meeting.  However, I've been thinking a lot lately about my unemployment and what I need to learn from it.  I even mentioned in a conversation with someone that "suffering is pointless if we don't learn anything from it."  Because of this, my thoughts turned to Section 122 of the Doctrine and Covenants.  The relevant part is: "... if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.  The Son of Man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he?"  I felt compelled to share my testimony yesterday and I was even the first one on the stand once the floor was opened up.  I shared what I did above and said that trials bring experience and that while we should never seek them, we should be thankful for them and look for the lesson that our Father wants us to learn.  I praised the Lord for suffering for our sakes and closed by saying how grateful I was for the Atonement.

Uncle Jordan!
Ian and Amanda invited me to attend their Super Bowl party, which I happily attended.  When I got there, Clara and Henry came running over, happily shouting "Uncle Jordan!"  I scooped them up and shook them around a little, which got the appropriate response: giggles.  They asked what treat I had brought (brownies), but their dad quickly told them that they were going to bed and could have some tomorrow.  Even though they only saw me for a few minutes, they were super happy to see me and I them.  It feels nice to be the cool uncle (sorry, their five other uncles).

Poor Peyton
As Amanda so accurately stated to the other guests, I couldn't give half a crap about football.  No, I went simply to hang out, but I figured I might as well pick a team.  I was planning on rooting for the Sea Hawks (for no real reason), but Ian was wearing a Broncos jersey and Amanda was very vocal about cheering on Denver, so I quickly switched sides - it didn't matter to me either way, so I figured I might as well go with the crowd on it.  And then the Broncos lost hard.  Their quarterback, Peyton Manning, looked so angry during the first half (where they were losing 0-29), but by the time the final quarter started, he just looked sad.  Awww ...

New Roommate
I've mentioned on here before that I regularly give rides to Church to a member in the Ward named Samuel.  Last week, I told him if things don't work out with his current roommate (who has been kind of a jerk to him), then he was welcome to stay with me.  After thinking it over, he accepted when I saw him yesterday, though he is being kind enough to his current roommate that he gave him a month's notice of his departure.  I originally could only offer him the sofa-bed, but a family in the Ward sent out an email asking if anyone could use a mattress set that they were getting rid of.  My Elder's Quorum President claimed it for Samuel to use at my place.  While I only have a one-bedroom apartment, I think with some rope and and a few sheets, I can convert the dinning area into a pseudo-bedroom.  It'll be weird having a roommate again, but I welcome the company.

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