Monday, February 17, 2014


I mentioned in my last post that the east coast has gotten a lot of snow in a short amount of time, so much, in fact, that it prevented me from going to work last Thursday.  However, Snomagedon would only keep me away from the one day.  Mostly.

When I went out to my car on Friday, I was expecting to have to do some work to uncover my car before I could leave.  What I wasn't expecting, was having to first clear a path to my car before I could even begin the work of removing the snow from the car itself.  The maintenance team of my apartment complex had done a good job of clearing the sidewalk, but they were still busy plowing the streets of the parking lot.  Fortunately, they had left out a snow shovel near my building's entrance.  I hadn't shoveled snow since my mission, but I figured I would be out of there in ten minutes.

Nearly thirty minutes later, I was on my way to work - a bit late, but my supervisor was very understanding.  The problem was that the snow was over a foot deep and even though I was only working to clear a small area, it was still slow going.  (I was also slowed down when one of my neighbors approached me and asked about the shovel in slightly broken English.  I only mention his poor language skills because I thought he was telling me that the shovel was his, then I thought he asked me where I was going, then I thought he was trying to arrange a carpool, but he was just asking if he could use the shovel after me.  I couldn't help but laugh at myself for completely misunderstanding his request.)  When I was on my way, my back let me know that it was not pleased.

Please do not take this post as complaining, simply informing you about a new and unusual experience I had.  All things considered, I really had it easy to only uncover the area directly blocking my vehicle.  If I was a homeowner, I would be responsible for the whole property and a sore back would be the least of my worries.

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