Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Better Living Through Seasoning

Remember how I shared recently that I had an incredibly vivid dream where I was eating flavorful meat?  And how it was probably brought on by my recent decision to temporarily be vegetarian?  Well, the dreams keep coming.  I don't remember all of them, but one that stands out had me sitting at a table with random people where was food being passed around and I was eagerly anticipating a platter that was heading my way that was filled with kielbasa sausages - I anticipated being teased by the other people due to the shape of the sausage, but I was determined to eat it all the same.  I awoke before the platter reached me.

After sharing this particular dream with Paige, she pointed out that all of the meat in my dreams is heavily seasoned.  This got me to thinking that maybe I don't miss meat so much as proper seasoning on my food: I've simply been opening cans of beans and vegetables and dumping them in a bowl.  To test this, I used actual seasoning that I already had on hand but for whatever reason wasn't using.  The best combination seems to be chili powder, Parmesan cheese, and salsa.  In addition to simply enjoying my dinner quite a bit more, the ridiculous dreams appear to have abated.  And, while I don't know how much weight I've lost since I don't have a scale, I've lost at least two inches to my waist based on how I wear my belt - I'd say that means it's working.


Also, I had a face-to-face job interview on Monday and I'll have another on Thursday.  If anything comes of them, I'll post about it.

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