Wednesday, February 19, 2014

On Dreams and Food

I've been having trouble sleeping lately.  When I would get home from my temp job, I'd eat dinner and then promptly fall asleep in front of the TV.  By the time I would wake up enough to brush my teeth and go to bed, I wouldn't be able to fall asleep again for quite some time.  I decided that since I was falling asleep right after dinner, I should go to bed right away.  This proved to be a successful plan as I finally slept through the night on Monday.  However, I had a really bizarre dream to go with it.  It was so strange that I decided that I simply must share it with you.

I was invited to be on Conan - I got the feeling that it was because I won a contest or something, but as we know, dreams don't have to make sense.  At first I think I was just an audience member, but I got pulled up on stage.  Conan was talking with me about something (maybe video games?), but I've already forgotten what about.  He was telling me that his next guest was Michael Strahan, but in this reality he's a celebrity golfer, not a football-player-turn-TV-host.  I suggested that instead of Mr. Strahan, we should have Mr. T as the next guest.  Conan agreed, and Mr. T came out and scowled at us without saying a word.  Then, for the rest of the dream, Conan and I sate at a table and ate various foodstuffs, all while the audience looked on.  I very vividly remember the taste of the spices in the burrito and the saltiness of the bacon in the cheeseburger that I had.  Then, of course, I woke up.

I should probably mention that the last part of the dream, where we're just eating meaty food, may be because I'm effectively a vegetarian right now.  I wanted to do something drastic to lose the extra weight I've put on while not working, and cutting meat from one's diet is a quick way to drop pounds.  I can already comfortably fit into a pair of pants that I could only barely squeeze into last week.  But, as one might expect from my dream, it's really boring eating legumes and rice and corn every night.  I'd be curious to know if I've dreamed of eating meat every night since starting my cleanse or if this was a one time deal.  Either way, I think it's funny that my mind manufactured meat for me to eat when I stopped consuming it while awake.

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