Friday, May 3, 2013

You'll Miss Me When I'm Gone

Since my start date at RJM is a week away, I gave my notice on Monday for the temp job I'm currently working (which was a full two weeks from my final day).  Supposedly the job was only for the duration of a month and at the end of next week it will be four weeks, but I gave notice anyway.

Now, the way I did this was I called and talked to my contact at the temp agency and allowed her to tell Alan, my supervisor at the Department of Information Technology (DoIT).  I don't know if that's standard protocol or not, but since I'm technically an employee of the temp agency and not DoIT, I figured that was more professional way of handling it.

Why do I bring this up?  Because earlier this week Alan came up to me and called me "traitor" for leaving.  I responded back that we all knew that I would leave pretty soon since my badge says "temp" right below my name.  He assured me that he was teasing (which I thought was obvious) and that he's bummed out that I was leaving since, as he put it, I "do good work."  I certainly appreciate the compliment since I know that he's been through other temps before.

And while it hasn't been terrible work at DoIT, I am looking forward to not having to go back there.  Still, beats waiting tables.

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