Friday, May 17, 2013

Business Development Coordinator

Go back and read the title of this post again.  That is my official job title and what I'll be introducing my as to new contacts.  Huh?

So, I applied for the job because it was called "Technical Proposal Writer" and I've been working to be a technical writer for a long time.  Now I'm told that while that training will be useful, my real job will be so different that I need a different job title? Huh?

I'll be honest, I have no idea what's happening.  The job that I worked hard to get, the job that I had to write an email convincing them to hire me, isn't the job that I'll be doing.  And yet, I prayed hard about and got a very strong witness that I should take the job offer.  I trust Heavenly Father that he knows what he's doing, but I'm pretty confused.

At the very least, what my job seems to be turning into still appears to be within my skill set, for the most part.  It's for the most part because I've learned over the last few years that I'm really awkward and uncomfortable when meeting new people and this job will require me to network with people.  I'm trying to look at this as an opportunity to grow and not as an opportunity to be overly terrified.  Let's see how I do.

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