Friday, May 10, 2013


I have a few things that I want to blog about but they aren't really enough to warrant their own posts, so I figured I would do some micro-blogging and squeeze them into one post.

Name Game
I experienced something for the first time this week: someone asked me how to pronounce my last name.  Not how to spell it; how to say it.  How many ways can you pronounce Larsen?

Choices Made While Behind the Wheel
There's one long stretch on my commute home where the traffic becomes bumper-to-bumper every day.  Knowing that I will allows be slowed down at this point, I just relax and barely move the car for about ten minutes.  I also try to be polite and let other drivers turn into the barely moving line of cars.  The other day, there was a gentleman who forced his way in (I had already decided I would wave him in) and then flipped off the car in front of him (I was behind) and honked, I think because the other car wasn't moving fast enough to allow him in.  I'll remind you, the traffic was thick and every car was pretty much right up against the car in front.  Contrast that behavior with another fellow who, after I let him in about five minutes later, waved as a "thank you."

A couple of weeks ago, Clara explained to me that she wasn't supposed to have sugar close to bedtime because it'll make her hyperactive.

Me: Sugar can make you a little crazy.

Clara: Yeah, crazy like a noodle!

Green Screen
The trees are so thick and green here that when I look deep into any given grove, it seems like there are few trees in front of a green wall.  Even Ohio never had so much foliage.

I hope you liked the shorter format.  I may do this again when I have just a few smaller things to share.


Marc R. said...

I like your politeness and patience on the road. Living the gospel behind the wheel.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I look forward to your blog. I love the part about Clara. lol