Friday, May 31, 2013

Four, Out of All

First of all, thank you to everyone that has been offering prayers on my behalf.  I know that they've helped.

Second of all, apartment hunting may be over.  I'm not quite sure yet, but I think I may have found my new home.

Third of all, a completely different topic.  I work with a bunch of nerds.  Clearly, I mean that in the most loving way that I can as a man that devoted several years of his life to collecting comic books (and still retains useless knowledge about superheroes - did you know that the creator of Wonder Woman helped invent the polygraph?).  But think about it.  Engineers are math nerds that keep nerding it up in their careers.  Now, as you should know, I am a nerd, too; however, I am an English nerd.  Can the two breeds coexist?  Of course, but the other day, after I shared an obscure word origin with a coworker, I was called a "dork."  In the land of math nerds, the English nerd is a dork.  I find this rather amusing. Of course, as a trained technical writer, I get along with engineers pretty swimmingly.  Technical writers think more logically and rationally than creative writers.  We focus on everything being communicated clearly, not in the most poetic or beautiful way.  Math is all about making both sides of the equal-sign match (it's a gross over-simplification, I know), so technical writing and engineering go hand-in-hand together to create new stuff.

Fourth of all, I should be able to let everyone know if I'll be moving soon by next week.  Try not be on the edge of your seat all weekend.

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