Thursday, July 14, 2011

Music (Rocky Raccoon)

Ah, the Beatles. The band that every other band gets compared to at some point.

With this one, I simply downloaded a bunch of Beatles songs one day and had never heard it before. Unlike a lot of songs that I'll be talking about in this series, I never had the chance to re-discover this song.

It really doesn't have as much to offer as their other stuff. The melody is a bit simplistic, the rhyme scheme is rudimentary, and the main character's name may or may not be a racial slur (although, based on what I know about the Beatles, I'll guess "not"). What this song does have, however, is a great story. The "hero" of the story doesn't get the girl, he doesn't win the fight, and he certainly doesn't get any glory. What he does get is a chance at redemption (or at a "revival," as the song puts it). He goes to his room to nurse his wound and read the Bible. Considering all the drug references in many of the Beatles' songs, one that ends with personal reflection and scripture study is rare.

In the end, the song is fun (if a bit forgettable) with a good moral from a band not known for their good morals.

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