Friday, May 19, 2017


I’ve been continuing to taper off of Trileptal and I keep feeling better. I walked during my lunch break three days this week and I’ve gone to the gym three days, too. However, I may be pushing myself a little too hard, at least at this time: I’m so excited to be healthy enough to exercise again that I’m kind of jumping in headfirst. Most of my muscles are sore and I’ve been having trouble sleeping, which has made it hard to be productive at work.

All of this fatigue is just a part of my body getting used to being active again and will pass with time. Plus, I’d rather be tired from too much exercise than because my medication is making me sick.

One thing that hasn’t changed? The severity of my allergies, as I still can’t wear my contacts for more than a few hours at a time. Still, I’d much rather be forced to wear glasses and be able to exercise than have the convenience of contacts again.

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