Saturday, May 13, 2017

Healthy Again

I exercised! Not only that, I did it for two days in a row!

Starting on Depakote while I was still taking Trileptal at full strength was rough and left me feeling weak. Plus, the Trileptal had made it hard for me to exercise with any consistency without getting sick. So it was just another normal day when I went to sleep on Thursday night still feeling kind of sick. But imagine my surprise when I woke up on Friday feeling better than I have in months. I went to the gym that evening after work and walked on a treadmill for an hour.

What happened? Thursday was the first day that I started tapering off of Trileptal, so I guess my body responded positively to the change. With my newfound vigor, I went with Leah to the gym this morning and did a full-body workout. I generally avoid those kinds of workouts, seeing better results from focusing on specific muscle groups, but I wanted to make all of my muscles sore so that I can get over that quickly and back to my normal lifting routine next week. (Plus, it was nice to be able to show off for my bride-to-be.)

I know that my neurologist was skeptical that the Trileptal was having any negative effect on me, but I'm glad I convinced her to make the change, especially now.

The QSG is now online and can be viewed here. It's boring, but I'm really proud of it.

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