Monday, August 24, 2015


I am writing this post from the same computer that I've used for the past couple of years, but I'm using it from a new position: seated at a desk.  This weekend, Ian helped me pick up a desk that was being discarded from my office and take it back to my apartment.

A few months ago, I noticed that a lot of desk chairs had accumulated in one corner of the warehouse that's near my pseudo photography studio.  I jokingly referred to that part of the warehouse as the "office chair graveyard."  More recently, an unwanted desk, a couple of whiteboards, and a few pieces of abstract art were added to the collection.  I asked about what was going on with all of the stuff and was told that these were items that were no longer needed in the office and were being collected to make it easier to get rid of when a disposal service came to get them.  I was also told that if I wanted anything, I was welcome to it.

This last Friday, I visited the Larsens after work and ended up staying over until Saturday.  I helped Ian do some work to get rid of some cat odors from his carpet and I mentioned offhandedly that I could get a free desk if I arranged the pick-up with someone with a truck.  He immediately asked if I wanted to go pick it up that day.  I was surprised, not at his willingness to help me (as he has proven that several times over already), but I didn't expect him to jump at the chance to help so soon.  The kids were with their mom, so we finished the work on the carpet and drove to the office.

When we arrived, I showed Ian what was available and made it clear that if he wanted anything in the pile, he should take it.  I already knew what I was taking (the one desk and a particular desk chair), but Ian tested out several chairs before finding one with which he was happy.  With the furniture firmly strapped down, we drove to my apartment.

I honestly can't think of a time that I've had a personal desk of my own since high school.  Even if I'm forgetting of some time since then that I was properly desk'd, I certainly haven't had a desk since I was married.  Having a laptop has meant that a desk was a luxury, so I've been doing fine without one.  Still, it feels nice having an official place to sit and do computer stuff in my home.

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