Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Callings and Agency

Since my records have now been in my new ward for all of two weeks, I was extended a calling on Sunday.  Before I get to the calling itself, I want to say that I was surprised with how much consulting was done with me about what calling I should have.  The Bishop set an appointment with me to ask me what my preference was and where I wanted to serve.  I said that I would happily serve wherever I was needed, but that if I could serve with the adults for a bit, it would help me to get to know the people in the ward better.  Even so, I said that if I was needed in the Primary, I wouldn't put up a fuss about it.

After the appointment (which was before Sacrament Meeting), I joined choir practice a little late and lent my voice to the Christmas songs on the agenda (practicing a bit early this year).  Soon after I sat in an empty pew near the front, the Elder's Quorum President, Ryan, came up and started chatting with me.  Ryan has been very good to say hello to me every Sunday, so I didn't think anything of it this time.  However, he nonchalantly asked me if I'd be willing to be a Priesthood Instructor.  I was surprised at how casually he extended the calling, but I immediately accepted.  I was set apart in the third hour that day and I'm scheduled to teach my first lesson in three weeks.

I'm not used to being asked what kind of calling I want, but I'm happy to have the chance to serve in a capacity in which I'm both familiar and comfortable.

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