Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Movin' in the Rain

Due to a mix-up, my records were delayed in being transferred to my new ward.  That's been frustrating because I haven't been able access the member directory or activities calendar for my new ward.  It also meant that I was still receiving emails from my previous ward, including from the Elder's Quorum.  I mostly ignored them, but I got one last week that caught my attention: my good friend and old home teacher, Dan, would be moving with his family and could use some help loading up the moving truck.  Despite the fact that I knew I had no obligation to help out with this move, I replied back that I'd be there.

The move happened yesterday evening, which gave me time to go home, eat, and change into more suitable clothes.  As I drove, the heavens opened and it rained so hard that my windshield wipers had trouble keeping up.  Just before I arrived at the family's apartment, the rain subsided and eventually stopped.  The ground was wet, but it wasn't raining.

I got there later than I wanted to (my driving slowed due to the rain) and immediately got to work.  I helped move as many big, heavy pieces of furniture as I could, reasoning that that's what they needed help with the most.  We made it through all of the big stuff and were started to finish up with miscellaneous items when it started raining again.  At first we just trudged along, continuing to fill up the truck, but it wasn't long before we had to stop and wait it out.  Most of the workforce was stuck in the truck, not wanting to even sprint for the building as they would probably have been soaked through by the time they made it -- the truck was parked only about fifty yards from the door of the apartment building.  I was stuck inside, but I was able to chat with some of my old ward mates.  After about twenty-five minutes of hard rain, it finally stopped and we were able to finish loading the truck.

As sad as I was to move out of my old ward, knowing that this family was going to be leaving in a few months anyway made it easier: I was close with both Dan and his wife, Allison, so knowing that I'd be losing them soon enough even if I'd stayed made leaving on my own was that much easier.

I contacted my previous bishop and my records should arrive to my current ward sometime this week, but I'm glad that the delay happened so that I could help out some friends one last time.

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