Friday, September 19, 2014

A Fair Deal

I found out yesterday that my company is eliminating my position.  While I have had some trouble with some projects, there just isn't enough for me to do to justify having a full-time technical writer on staff.  I haven't written about how there have been a few weeks that I've struggled to find something to keep me busy, but the truth is that I'm not terribly surprised about the decision.  Disappointed and saddened, but not surprised.

That said, they're being very nice about letting me go.  I'll be drawing a paycheck for another month and I don't have to come into the office anymore so that I can focus my time on finding a new job.  They're even going to help me get set up on the Government issued-health plan, Cobra.  All things considered, that's pretty fair.

I've already updated my resume on numerous job sites and I've been given the go-ahead to take some writing samples with me.  Now I just need a car to drive to interviews and I'll be set.

Prayers on my behalf would not be inappropriate.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

What is the situation with your car? Is a head gasket? Is it as simple a fix as your friends led you to believe?

Yes we will earnestly pray for you.