Monday, June 2, 2014

Weekend of Failure

So that trip to the Temple that I was planning to make on Saturday?  Didn't happen.  I woke up on Saturday and discovered that I had a tremendous headache and I was really dizzy.  It was so bad that I had trouble standing without falling over.  I'm sure to any outside observer that it looked like I was on a boat or something.  Because of this, I didn't go to the temple and mostly tried to nap.

On Sunday, I felt much better.  I was looking forward to Church after missing it last week and not making it to the temple the day before.  However, after I had gotten out of the shower and was finishing getting ready, I had an aphasia.  I had missed my medication the day before - I simply forgot - and apparently it made a big difference.  Once I could talk, I called the Sunday School President to explain what had happened and that I wouldn't be coming.  He was very understanding, but I hate that this has been happening off and on since I was called to be a teacher.

I realize that my body shutting down is out of my control, but I can't help but feel that the last two days were wasted.  Here's hoping that next weekend will go better.


Marc R. said...

"My brethren and sisters, the faith to try leads to direction by the Spirit, and the fruits that flow therefrom are marvelous to behold and experience" (Hinckley, “God Shall Give unto You Knowledge by His Holy Spirit," BYU Devotional, September 25, 1973).

Crystal said...

You are in my heart and in my prayers.