Monday, June 3, 2013

A Place of My Own

I signed a lease to an apartment this weekend.  Wait, let me try that again.  Ahem.  I signed a lease to an apartment this weekend!  That's better.

Yes, after about a month of looking at lots of different units at various locations and at varying levels of quality, I made a decision and signed a lease on Saturday.  Are you as excited as I am?

While I won't actually post my address online, I will say that I'm about ten minutes from my job and in an area that offers lots of choices for shopping and eating.  The apartment is on the third floor of the building, but I don't mind climbing stairs.  I have a central air, a washer and dryer in the unit, and a surprising amount of space for a one bedroom.

This was a difficult decision to make.  As I think should be apparent by now, I make a point to pray about big decisions to make sure that it's what I should.  When I prayed this time, I got no answer.  That caused more than a little anxiety.  But, it was a good unit, I was approved for a super low deposit and I had just gotten my first paycheck from my new job.  Pretty much everything lined up perfectly.  I text messaged Allison about it and she suggested that I "just make a decision and don't look back."  So I did.

Now, not everything is perfect.  I don't have a bed (I'm borrowing an air mattress from the Larsens) or home internet yet (I'm writing this from Ian and Amanda's place), but that will be changing in the next couple of weeks.  The point is that I have my own place again and that is very, very cathartic.  I've been staying with other people (the Kennedys, my parents, and now the Larsens) since February 2012.  That's 15 months of not having a place of my own.  While I can never adequately express my gratitude to these families for welcoming me into their homes, I'm still very pleased to be the master of my domain once again.


isaac said...

congrats! you said jobs emphasis on the "s" what is your other job?

Jordan said...

That was a typo. I've corrected it.