Friday, March 8, 2013

The 5 Things I Will Not Miss About So Cal

Seeing as how I'm moving to a brand new land, I thought that I would spend some time and reminisce about the brand old land that I'm leaving.  And since I've clearly been affected by all of the articles I've read at Cracked over the years, I'll be reminiscing by making lists.  I'll start with the negative things that I'm happy I will no longer have to deal with anymore.

5. People forgetting how to drive when it rains.
I understand that in an average year, San Diego County gets about 10 inches in rain, which is practically nothing.  What I don't understand is why it seems that no one can remember to simply drive slower during the rain.  It's not like I learned how to drive in harsh conditions so I can't relate; I learned how to drive on these very streets.  I look forward to living in a place with four times the annual rainfall because people will have more practice in safe driving while it's raining.

4. Living in the past.
What I mean by this is that living on the West Coast (and in the Pacific Time Zone), all other parts of the country are ahead of us.  So, if I want to call a friend or family member living in another timezone, I have to plan ahead or else they'll be in bed.  Now, everyone will have to plan ahead in order to talk to me (as it should be).

3. The risk of running into someone that I used to know (and the subsequent awkwardness).
Because I was ridiculously skinny in high school and didn't get contacts until I graduated, it's easy for people to not recognize me.  Add to that any facial hair I may or may not have at any given point and you'd think that I would look nothing like my former self, but apparently I'm just that memorable.  It hasn't happened a lot, but it's almost happened several times and I don't like it.  If I wanted to experience awkward encounters, I'd work in a comic book shop again.

2. Tourists coming just for the weather.
This one is annoying only because it makes it seem like there's nothing else worthwhile about the area.  Sure, they'll go to the beach and Sea World and the zoo and Disneyland, but really they're here because the weather is freaking awesome.  Dorks.

1. The lack of writing jobs.
I may still encounter this in the land that is merry, but considering that I'm straight up moving there, I think it's clear that I'm willing to bet that it will be different.

I don't want to make anyone think that I hate it here or anything, just that there are quirks and nuances about the area that can be annoying.  Join me here next time when we'll go over the things that I will miss about So Cal.


Margot said...

I had seen the title, but I hadn't read the post when I talked to you. When I tell people that I'm from San Diego, the first thing they say is,"It's so gorgeous there! The weather is amazing!", or some variation thereof.

I like the banner picture you chose.

Anonymous said...

you forgot that u wont miss running red lights, or maybe u just like having your picture unprofessionally taken unexpectedly for a low price of only 500.00. you would think for that price you would get a few different poses and maybe a "1,2,3 SMILE!" warning.