Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I don't think it's a secret that when changes occur gradually over time, it can be difficult to notice them.  However, even when those changes have occurred gradually but we don't see the change, only the results, it can appear to much more abrupt and obvious.  Why bring this up?  Well, since my last post mentioned getting to know my little roommates, I figure I would also discuss getting reacquainted with one of my adult roommates, Ian.

First of all, the last time Ian and I spent any time together, it was at Eugene and Paige's wedding, so it's been a couple of years and even then it only lasted a few days.  Since it's been nearly a week since my flight came in, I've certainly exceeded that amount time already.  Plus, we've had more one-on-one time this time around than last since we were both busy with wedding stuff.  I'm only mentioning this to set up that it's been awhile for both of us.

The most surprising thing for me is to see Ian the father.  I'm not implying that I was expecting him to be a bad father or anything, just that I hadn't really thought about it.  Seeing him be incredibly patient and kind with his kids, while also administering discipline when necessary, is a pleasant surprise.  His children are, for the most part, well-behaved but that doesn't mean that good parenting is any less important.

One thing that I've noticed (and mentioned to him and Amanda) is the fact that Ian is constantly referencing other things in casual conversation.  What kinds of things?  All things.  Off the top of my head, I can recall him making reference to Simpsons episodes, the scriptures, movies, Shakespearean plays, internet memes, things I have said, and other various bits of pop culture.  I would say that probably around 20% of what he says is simply referencing something else, which is more than I can think of anyone else I have ever encountered.  He explained that the reason that he does this is out of boredom, saying that practically no one notices even most of the references so he feels free to insert them into his everyday language.  What does it say about me that I recognize the vast majority of his references?

Humor is very important in this household.  Ian and Amanda are constantly teasing each other and even Henry has made several jokes while I've been here (Clara loves laughing, but hasn't gotten to the point of being able to create jokes herself yet).  I tend to be a bit drier than is the standard here, but it nice that no one takes themselves too seriously.

However, the thing that I notice the most is that, even after all these years we've spent apart and grown in different directions, we still get along like, well, brothers.  He's definitely more cocksure than I am and he has a different communication style than I do (as partially mentioned above) and our tastes differ on some things, but I think we understand each other in a way that few others do or even can.  (Note: spouses always trump siblings.)

1 comment:

Grandma Bonnie said...

I love to read your postings. I miss you and this helps me feel closer to you and Ian's family. I love you all.