Monday, March 18, 2013

Uncle Jordan

So, now that the move has officially happened, I have a couple of new roommates.  Their names are Clara and Henry.  Let me tell you a little about them.

Clara is a very enthusiastic little 4-year-old girl.  While she does sometimes cry when things don't go her way, she mostly excited about absolutely everything.  For example, I was helping by keeping her and her brother occupied by having them play a simple puzzle game on my tablet, and every time a piece went in place she exclaimed "Yes!"  Every time.  She also loves pink and purple and when she picks out what to wear she has chosen a tutu more than once.  She knows all of the Disney Princesses by name and very fond eating animals (and her parents have taken the time to teach her the connection between the animals that she sees and the ones that she eats).  She also, like I once did, has trouble with pronouncing her "r" sound, though her dad thinks it's because of influence from her grandparents; I think it's just the normal development of a child learning to speak.

Henry just had his third birthday but he's already proving to be fairly independent.  He often refers to himself as a "grown-up" and it is not uncommon for him to push the limits of his parents' instructions (like fighting having to go lay down for a nap), but he also loves playing and will regularly ask to be chased.  He's definitely the vegetarian of the family and will often have trouble finishing his meat, but will nearly always finish his vegetables or rice.  He's also still learning to enunciate properly and I've had ask him to repeat himself multiple times; to his credit, though, he's mostly speaking in complete sentences.

Both kids are randomly competitive and will say they won a race that no one knew was happening (like finishing breakfast, getting strapped in the car first, etc.).  One thing that I enjoy is that both kids definitely enjoy having me around.  I remember that when I was a kid, I thought that my uncle Rick was the coolest guy ever.  Well, that seems to apply to me in their eyes.  I have held a lot of hands and received a lot of hugs and kisses and high-fives since moving in and there's no indication of that stopping.

Uncle Jordan with Nephew Henry and Niece Clara.

I think I'll enjoy it here.


Grandma Bonnie said...

Thank you Jordan. I loved the blog and the picture.

Crystal said...

Your best blog ever!