Monday, July 25, 2016

New Uncle

It is now public knowledge that Ian and Sherlin are engaged to be wed.  I know that they will be happy together and I'm so happy that I got to be a part of their announcement by taking their engagement photos.  But today I'm going to talk about something related to me.

Ian and Sherlin have me over for dinner every other Sunday when they have their kids.  It's great to see Clara and Henry, but also Iris and Aeva, Sherlin's two girls.  I guess seeing me around so often and hearing Clara and Henry always call me "Uncle Jordan" had and effect, because the last time I visited, Aeva kept calling me "Uncle Jordan," while laughing hysterically.  Just a little girl playing a game, right?

Well, yesterday I visited Ian and Sherlin to take their engagement photos, but the kids were with their other parents.  Ian called and talked to his kids for a bit, then Sherlin called and talked to hers.  When Aeva got on the phone and heard that I was visiting, she asked to speak to me.  We didn't talk for very long, but I was really touched that she wanted to say hi.  Then Iris got on the phone.  I left the room to give Sherlin some privacy for her call, but I must have laughed at something because Iris heard me and asked, "Is Uncle Jordan there?"  The kids hadn't been told about the engagement yet; they just started think about me as part of their family.

I'm looking forward to being Iris and Aeva's step-uncle, at least officially -- I'm already their uncle-in-heart.

1 comment:

Margot said...

This is really sweet and made my eyes just a little cloudy.