Friday, July 8, 2016

Audience Participation

Now that I'm on Facebook, I share smaller things more regularly.  That ability to post constantly makes it tough to know what works best for Facebook and what works best for this blog.  In the case of Independence Day, I went into more detail on this blog than on Facebook, but I still posted about the exact same things in both places.

Additionally, I've been struggling with thinking up content to post here.  For most of the last three years, I've written out the post for the next day the night before so it can go live in the morning.  But for the past several weeks, I've barely gotten each day's entry out before midnight and I completely missed Wednesday's post this week.

So, rather abandon this blog -- because it is important to me -- I am asking you, dear reader, to leave comments to help give me some ideas about how I can do better with my posts.  Offer suggestions, tell me what you like about the blog, tell me what posts made a big impact on you.  Should I only talk about my daily life or should I try to include more essays?  What do you come to this blog for and how can I do better at meeting your expectations?  Now, this will only work if a lot of you participate.  I know that not everyone who has access to this blog reads my posts regularly, but for those of you who visit at least once every couple of weeks, please leave me some kind of feedback.

I look forward to reading your comments and, hopefully, improving my role as a blogger.


Marc R. said...

Your mother and I like to get news your life. We like to hear your acts of service, including the treats you make for others.we also like to hear about your interactions with Ian and his family.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I love to hear about what's happening in your life. I love to hear about the interaction with family and friends. I love to hear about what you and who you share your life with.

Margot said...

I agree, I like to know what's going on with you. I especially enjoy the missionary and spiritual experiences and your baking escapades (recipe inclusion is encouraged).