Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tuesdays with Media: Danish Art

One thing that stood out to me about Denmark was that there was art all over the place.  The hotel where I stayed had walls covered in original paintings.  The restaurant where I ate lunch on my first day was similarly be-arted.  The building where we met had paintings that predate the Renaissance.  Plus there were sculptures scattered around town.  Unfortunately, I didn't take pictures of too many of them, but the pictures I do have, I'd like to share.

These first two pictures were not taken by me, as they are in the center of a couple of roundabouts on the way from Nordborg to Sønderborg (pronounced soon-dur-bore) and it's hard to take good pictures from a moving vehicle.

I like how both of these sculptures are basic shapes with a funky twist.

The rest of the pictures are Jordan originals.

This sculpture was in the center of the downtown area of Nordborg.

The plaque at the base of the statue translates to "This statue symbolizes Nordborg Castle builder Svend Grathe."

This sculpture was right across the street from the hotel at which I stayed.

"Donated by the Nordborg municipality art fund." The town places such importance on art that it has an art fund.

A bust of Mads Clausen, Danfoss' founder.

Looking back, I wish I would have taken more pictures of the art that was available.  A lot of it was terrible, but I appreciate that the Danes place such weight on works of art.

1 comment:

Marc R. said...

The second basic shape is a Möbius strip, a one-sided figure.