Friday, June 19, 2015

Dare I?

Here's an interesting dilemma I'm facing this weekend: I should be moving into my new place tomorrow, but my muscles are still recovering.  How much do I do?  Dare I do any of the heavy lifting myself?

That's right, I found my new home last week.  I was surprised, but last Saturday I was prompted to submit an application and yesterday I signed the lease.  It's not perfect -- no place is -- but it has all of the features that I was looking for and it's ten minutes from the office.  Best of all, the Spirit confirmed that I should move into the ward associated with this apartment.  I am sad to be leaving the good people of the Ellicott City Ward, but I'm excited to meet the new people who are going to be a part of my life.

Hopefully, I'll hear back from the Elder's Quorums of both my current ward and future ward so I;ll be able to move without having to put myself at risk.  That's gotta be a weird introduction: "Hi!  Thanks for helping me out with this move.  I only have a few items, so it should go quick.  By the way, I injured myself earlier this week, so I'll simply be supervising.  Great to be here!"

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