Monday, June 15, 2015

Seize, Again

On Sunday, I had a seizure.  This one wasn't has severe as the first on, but it was still pretty bad.

Sunday was Stake Conference.  I felt sick, so once it was over, I asked for a blessing from Samuel and Mark.  When it was over, I stood up and shook their hands, and then woke up lying on the couch in the foyer.

Earlier in the week, there had been some trouble getting my anti-seizure prescription refilled, so I hadn't taken my meds in two or three days.  I wasn't too worried since in the past if I missed a round of medication, I experience aphasia, which isn't fun, but it also isn't dangerous like a seizure. Well, this time I seized.

After I came to, Samuel drove my car home and Mark took me to the pharmacy -- the medication had only come in the day before, so the earliest I could have taken it would have been if I had picked it up that morning.  Once I was home, I ate some lunch (which took me 45 minutes just to eat a sandwich and an apple) and undressed so I could lay down.

When I woke up a few hours later, I could barely move my left shoulder.  When I last had a seizure, I tore my rotator cuff, so I think I may have done that again.  My thighs, neck, right shoulder and knees are sore as well.

Since yesterday, I've gain some mobility back, but I've still got some healing to do before I'm back to normal.

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