Friday, January 30, 2015

Missed Entries

You may have noticed that for the last two weeks in a row, I've missed Wednesday's post.  I was ruminating on the matter and I think it's related to my being sick.

You see, normally I go to the gym between four and five days a week, and because I need to work certain muscle groups on certain days, I need to keep track of what day of the week it is.  To put it another way, to make sure I pack the right gear in my gym bag the night before (I head to the gym on my way home from work), I have to know what routine I'll be doing, which is dictated by what day of the week it is.  All of that reviewing helps to keep me on schedule on ye olde blogg.

But when my body decided that even thinking straight was less important than testing to see if my face could function as a faucet*, I had to stop exercising and just recuperate.  The good news is that I've finally stopped feeling like a homunculus, so I'll be heading back to the gym tomorrow.  Hopefully that means that I'll stop pointlessly missing the middle-of-the-week post.

*It can, but you don't want to drink what comes out of it.

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