Friday, March 7, 2014

The Wait is Over

Starting March 17th, I will be a full-time, permanent employee of CAS Severn.  I will be working as a Business Analyst, which I realize doesn't sound like "technical writer," but neither did Business Development Coordinator when I was at RJM, even though most of my time was spent writing technical document.  CAS Severn makes software, particularly for Medicare and Medicaid.  And, yes, this is the job that I had unofficially secured last week.

When the news came, I was dumbfounded.  My brain kind of seized up (perhaps not the best choice of words) and I couldn't believe it.  I first found out while I was at my temp job (I sneaked a peak at my email on my phone) and my mouth dropped open.  I had to force myself still to keep from shaking with shock.  I sent a text to my folks to try to make the news of the job offer more real; even as they texted me with congratulatory messages, reality still hadn't caught up with me.

That evening when I got home, I called and talked to my dad, mostly to give him some more details on the job.  As we talked about it, I kept giggling: I was suddenly so excited that I couldn't contain it.  Finally, it seemed to be real.  And it was awesome.

Thank you to everyone that has been praying for me to get real employment.  This has not been an easy three-and-a-half months, but I know that it was important for me to go through.  While I'll leave what I think the moral of my unemployment was for another time, I will say that I'm happy to have learned my lesson and that I'm ready to move on.

Now I just need to wait - like an overly exuberant child on Christmas Eve - and actually start the job.


Crystal said...


Margot said...

Congratulations! And thank goodness!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I'm so happy for you. Good things do happen to good people. sometime it just takes a while.