Wednesday, March 12, 2014

All of the Jobs

I mentioned in my last post that someone at church was asking about me due to my reputation as someone who was adept in the ways of English, but I never said why.  It turns out that that member owns an after school tutoring center which specializes in English and math.  While I certainly appreciate the order and predictability of math, English is obviously my strong suit.  I have an interview with the center's director this evening after my temp job.

"But Jordan," you're probably saying to your screen, "the last time you tried working two jobs, it blew up in your face."  Firstly, I can't hear you when you talk at your screen; just leave a comment.  Secondly, yes, working at RJM and the Italian restaurant proved to be too much for me.  However, I think what the problem in the set up was that RJM was easily the most stressful job I've ever had, which made going to wait tables - a job that is inherently stressful - a terrible decision.  This time, things are more balanced.  Even if CAS Severn is just as stressful as RJM was, though I can't imagine how that could be possible, the tutoring job will be fairly easy since I can teach basic English skills in my sleep.

"But Jordan," you're probably futilely telling you screen, "children can be stressful."  Okay, you really need to stop that before you embarrass yourself.  Even so, you have a valid point.  The reason I think I can handle it is that I've taught Sunday School to kids as young as 9 within the past couple of years and kids tend to rile each other up.  I'll be one-on-one with each student, so that should make it easier.

And if I'm wrong and I can't handle it?  I'll stick with just my analyst job, but after this long bout of unemployment, I don't think there is anything as working "too much."

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